Chios Taxi Advertising perfect complement on the vehicle side
Chios Taxi Advertising the advertising form with maximum impact
Tell what you need on Chios Taxi Advertising, and we'll get together with our partners and line up the perfect vehicles for your promotional advertising.
Chios Taxi Advertising during office hours or at the end of the day standing still or on the move the OMIROS taxi can be seen on the road
No other means of transport is on the road 24 hours a day and constantly on the Island, Chios Taxi Advertising depending on the desired impact and your budget
OMiROS Advertising Vehicles
Taxi advertising is one of the most efficient media in your general Marketing and Media Mix. We are your experienced, innovative and reliable partner when it comes to advertising inside, outside or on top of taxis. Our vehicles will take your advert to the right place, at the right time – exactly where you want it to be. By taking most care of maintenance of our products we guarantee the most ideal appearance. To make your campaign as successful as possible, taxi advertising is always convincingly expressive.
Because of the reliability and quality we provide, majors companies trust us

Stihl Hellas
The STIHL brand is known round the world today for revolutionary technology, innovative ideas and quality.

Würth Greece
The Würth Group is world market leader in its core business, the trade in assembly and fastening material.
Advertise in OMiROS Taxi for free !!
If your business is engaged with tourism (Tourism Offices, Hotels, Rooms), Fun-Entertainment (Cafe, Club) and Restaurants-Taverns and use the Taxi OMiROS for the transportation of your clients or your staff, you can advertise for free through our website, also if you wish and on Taxis cooperating with us.

Projection Surfaces: Full Doors
Taxi advertising is one of the few advertising mediums operating almost 24 hours a day, every day of the year and in constantly changing locations throughout the Island. Taxis usually search for places with a high frequency of public foot traffic. Contact us and learn more about Omiros Taxi advertising ! Contact us now!
OMiROS Taxi Advertising puts your brand and your advertising right in front of your customers when they are deciding how and where to spend their money ! Taxi Manager